NAME Dpchrist::ExtUtils::MakeMaker - additional Makefile targets and rules SYNOPSIS # Makefile.PL package Dpchrist::ExtUtils::MakeMaker; # for symbols use ExtUtils::MakeMaker; eval { require Dpchrist::ExtUtils::MakeMaker; import Dpchrist::ExtUtils::MakeMaker ( postamble => sub { my ($o, $prev) = @_; return join('', $prev, mcpani( $o, $ENV{CPAN_AUTHORID}), pod2html($o, 'lib/Dpchrist/ExtUtils/'), readme( $o, 'lib/Dpchrist/ExtUtils/'), release( $o, $ENV{RELEASE_ROOT}), ); }, ); }; warn $@ if $@; WriteMakefile( # ... ); DESCRIPTION This documentation describes module revision $Revision: 1.16 $. This is alpha test level software and may change or disappear at any time. This module contains override routines for ExtUtils::MakeMaker which add optional rules and/or targets to the Makefile generated by WriteMakefile(). CLASS METHODS import import Dpchrist::ExtUtils::MakeMaker ( SECTION => CODEREF, SECTION => CODEREF, SECTION => CODEREF, ); Daisy-chains subroutine CODEREF into the Makefile override for given SECTION. Any previous override function (e.g. &MY::SECTION) will be called before CODEREF and it's output passed as the first argument to CODEREF. CODEREF should return a scalar string containing the net text to be placed in the appropriate Makefile section. OVERRIDE SUBROUTINES mcpani my $frag = mcpani(OBJECT, AUTHORID); Returns Makefile fragment for target 'mcpani' which adds the distribution tarball to the MCPAN working directory (repository) and pushes it to the MCPAN local directory when the following commands are issued: $ make dist $ make mcpani Note that you need to run 'make dist' to create the distribution tarball before running 'make mcpani'. OBJECT is the object provided by ExtUtils::MakeMaker internals. AUTHORID is used for the --authorid parameter to 'mcpani'. Default is 'NONE'. I put my CPAN author id (DPCHRIST) into an environment variable CPAN_AUTHORID in my .bash_profile: # .bash_profile export CPAN_AUTHORID=DPCHRIST I then use this environment variable in Makefile.PL: # Makefile.PL mcpani => $ENV{CPAN_AUTHORID}, You will need a working CPAN::Module::Inject installation before running 'make mcpani'. See the following for details: perldoc mcpani I set an environment variable in .bash_profile that points to my mcpani configuration file: # .bash_profile export MCPANI_CONFIG=$HOME/.mcpanirc Here is my mcpani configuration file: # .mcpanirc local: /mnt/z/mirror/MCPAN remote: repository: /home/dpchrist/.mcpani passive: yes dirmode: 0755 My staging directory is ~/.mcpani. /mnt/z/mirror/MCPAN is directory on my web server that is served as I can then run cpan on my machines and have them use the web mirror to fetch my modules (I only needed to do this once): $ sudo cpan cpan[1]> o conf urllist cpan[2]> o conf commit cpan[3]> reload index Whenever I inject a new or updated module, I need to reload the cpan index before I install the module: $ sudo cpan cpan[1]> reload index cpan[2]> install MyModule pod2html my $frag = pod2html(OBJECT, LIST); Returns Makefile fragment for target 'all' which will run 'pod2html' against the files in LIST (e.g. Perl modules and scripts) using the commands: pod2html FILE > PACKAGE-VERSION.html rm -f pod2htm?.tmp PACKAGE and VERSION are determined by reading FILE: * The namespace of the first 'package' decalaration found is used for PACKAGE. If no 'package' declaration is found, File::Basename::basename(FILE) is used for PACKAGE. * The argument of the first '$VERSION' variable assignment found is evaluated and used for VERSION. OBJECT is the object provided by ExtUtils::MakeMaker internals. HTML files will be generated or updated whenever the following commands are issued: $ make Or, $ make all If there is only one FILE, it may be given as the argument to import(): pod2html => FILE, readme my $frag = readme(OBJECT, FILE); Returns Makefile fragment for target 'all' which will run 'pod2text' against FILE using the command: pod2text FILE > README OBJECT is the object provided by ExtUtils::MakeMaker internals. The README file will be generated or updated whenever the following commands are issued: $ make Or, $ make all release my $frag = release(OBJECT, RELEASE_ROOT); Returns Makefile fragment for target 'release' which copies all *.tar.gz and *.html files to a subdirectory under RELEASE_ROOT that is named after the module (changing double colons to a single dash) when the following commands are issued: $ make dist $ make release Note that you should run 'make dist' to create the distribution tarball before running 'make mcpani'. OBJECT is the object provided by ExtUtils::MakeMaker internals. I set an environment variable in my .bash_profile: # .bash_profile export RELEASE_ROOT=/mnt/z/data/release and use this environment variable in Makefile.PL: # Makefile.PL release => $ENV{RELEASE_ROOT}, EXPORT None. INSTALLATION Old school: $ perl Makefile.PL $ make $ make test $ make install Minimal: $ cpan Dpchrist::ExtUtils::MakeMaker Complete: $ cpan Bundle::Dpchrist PREREQUISITES See Makefile.PL in the source distribution root directory. SEE ALSO mcpani pod2text pod2html ExtUtils::MakeMaker ExtUtils::MM_Unix Programming Perl, 3 e., Ch. 29 "use" (pp. 822-823). Mastering Perl, Ch 10 "Replacing Module Parts" (pp. 160-162). AUTHOR David Paul Christensen COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright 2010 by David Paul Christensen This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.